Thursday, June 19, 2014

New mounting bracket for my remote HEI coil

After reading the manual for the Megasquirt MS3-Pro and some forum posts on I realized the way I had my remote HEI coil mounted it was probably causing a lot of electrical noise (EMI). I did two things with my original coil installation that should be avoided. First I had a long coil wire that ran parallel near other power cables and second I had long power wires running to the coil. To clean this up I made a new mounting bracket that would allow me to mount the coil near the distributor and in turn reduce the lengths of the coil wiring plus move the coil wiring away from other wires that might be sensitive to EMI. I drew out a design on some 16 gauge flat steel and cut it out with a cutoff wheel on an angle grinder. I made a few bends and welded on a couple gussets to stiffen it up.

Next I made a small mounting plate and welded two bolts to it. The mounting plate will go on the inside of the cab and the thread will protrude through two holes drilled in the firewall. Then I spray painted it with some gloss black paint and let it dry overnight.

Finally I mounted the bracket on the firewall and shortened the coil wire.

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